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31 votes
6 answers

Are questions about other crypto-currencies on-topic?

Originally in Area51 the proposal was for Bitcoin, but then it was suggested to enlarge the scope to all crypto-currencies. This idea seemed to have gained some traction, and the name and description ...
Michael McGowan's user avatar
18 votes
0 answers

Reminder: Please DON’T answer "bad" questions

If you find a poorly phrased question (see bottom), please don't waste your time on writing a good answer. Rather use one of the following approaches: Improve the question to an acceptable level, ...
Murch's user avatar
  • 75.3k
12 votes
1 answer

Can we open the "How to buy BTC" question?

How do you obtain bitcoins? This was closed because: This question is unlikely to ever help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an ...
ripper234's user avatar
  • 26.6k
12 votes
2 answers

Waiting time before accepting answers

I usually wait one day before assigning a correct answer to my questions. I think that accepting correct answers too quickly is a mistake because It may demotivate other users to answer A new better ...
nmat's user avatar
  • 11.5k
7 votes
2 answers

Is it important that a title is phrased as a question?

Many questions don't have their titles phrased as a question. Some examples: Strange transaction (block 71036) Best GPUs for Mining Business-grade Bitcoind implementation Push notification of ...
D.H.'s user avatar
  • 5,307
5 votes
2 answers

Are questions on how much Bitcoin does a person/business have fair game?

Should questions like "How much revenue Mezza Grill generated?" and the yet to be asked "How much Bitcoin does Mt. Gox have?" fair play? I did ask the question about Mezza Grill, but in second ...
ripper234's user avatar
  • 26.6k
5 votes
2 answers

How should questions that function like reviews be handled?

There are a few questions popping up every now and then that want to get the answer about reliability of services based on the rating of the answer. For example: "Please list one service per answer (...
ThePiachu's user avatar
  • 43.1k
3 votes
2 answers

Do we have too many unanswered questions?

25 open questions with no answer with an upvote or acceptance. Should we try harder to answer these questions? Or is it normal for the community at this stage?
ripper234's user avatar
  • 26.6k
3 votes
1 answer

How should you handle questions formed with "flags" like (HELP!!!) (CRISIS!!) etc?

Some questions have additional flags that do not really contribute information. Many times due to loss of funds. How should these questions be handled?
amanusk's user avatar
  • 633
3 votes
1 answer

Are "Where is x in the source code" questions beneficial?

A user recently asked Where is the code that receives blocks that miners have just solved. I see these kind of questions often and the answer can be found by just using Github's code search feature ...
John T's user avatar
  • 2,883
3 votes
1 answer

Are there any interesting questions we could ask about GLBSE?

I think it is one of the more interesting questions, yet it hasn't been mentioned here. Can you think of interesting questions to ask regarding GLBSE?
ripper234's user avatar
  • 26.6k
2 votes
2 answers

Are questions that would function as peer reviews in scope of this SE?

Say someone wanted to know what is the opinion of the Bitcoin community on "On Bitcoin and Red Balloons" - whether what Microsoft has written about Bitcoin is accurate, or did they make some errors on ...
ThePiachu's user avatar
  • 43.1k
2 votes
1 answer

Should we more proactively act against bad questions?

I find the Bitcoin stackexchange a gold mine of information about the Bitcoin network. Unfortunately the large number of good questions and answers is dwarfed by the much larger number of poor ...
Antoine Poinsot's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to deal with question posts containing several different questions?

Especially from new users, we often get questions which are actually several questions in one post. What is the best way to deal with them?
Murch's user avatar
  • 75.3k
1 vote
2 answers

Should we create token questions for some problems that come up often?

Some basic questions come up every now and then, like "why am I stuck synchronizing at X?". Most of them are dealing with some specific user issue, so creating an answer encompassing all variants of ...
ThePiachu's user avatar
  • 43.1k
0 votes
1 answer

Should we ask Ravencoin questions on Bitcoin?

I'm proposing a new site for a cryptocurrency called Ravencoin, which is a slightly modified and more private version of Bitcoin. Because it's foundation is based off of the Bitcoin project, should ...
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