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4 votes

Why is the bitcoin tag not allowed?

The vast majority of questions here are about Bitcoin as the title of the site suggests, so the absence of the altcoins tags is enough to assume the question is about bitcoin
meshcollider's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

Please add tag BIP85

Sure, no problem. I've added bip85-deterministic-entropy to a few questions where it seemed to fit.
Murch's user avatar
  • 77k
3 votes

A tag for questions where coins are sent to a different cryptocurrency by mistake?

How about cross-chain-recovery? If you create it, please add a tag-wiki excerpt to explain it and add it to at least a few likely questions!
Murch's user avatar
  • 77k
3 votes

What is the meaning of the bitcore tag?

bitcore means the software developed by BitPay. Bitcoin Core questions should be tagged with bitcoin-core.
Nick ODell's user avatar
  • 29.5k
3 votes

What tag should we use for brick and mortar store payments?

Keep it simple. face-to-face Covering all situations where two people meet in person and have a cryptocurrency transaction.
Nick ODell's user avatar
  • 29.5k
3 votes

Should "hardware" only pertain to "mining hardware" or should this include payment kiosks?

I didn't realize that was a tag. Kill it. Kill it with fire. Retag hardware questions like so: mining hardware becomes mining-hardware hardware wallet becomes hardware-wallet ATM becomes bitcoin-atm ...
Nick ODell's user avatar
  • 29.5k
2 votes

Are the tags [hd-wallet] and [deterministic] different in scope?

They're describing different things. Deterministic wallets derive all keys from a seed. Hierarchical deterministic wallets derive subkeys from a seed, and generate subkeys from those. That allows you ...
Nick ODell's user avatar
  • 29.5k
2 votes

Three tags for Multi-signature: multi-sig, multi-sig-address and multi-sig-transaction

I just noticed that we have multi-sig, multi-sig-address, and multi-sig-transaction and was starting to write a meta post to suggest that we combine them into a single tag. Then this topic by past-...
Murch's user avatar
  • 77k
2 votes

Should private-key-format and wallet-import-format be merged?

To me, private-key-format is a superset of wallet-import-format as WIF is a private key format, but other private key formats such as xprv are not. However tagging WIF questions as both is probably ...
Ava Chow's user avatar
  • 71.6k
2 votes

Some tag synonyms I found

Did you know that you can propose synonyms directly on tags? Other users can then vote on your synonyms, they don't have to be created by mods necessarily. ;) In case you had done that already and ...
Murch's user avatar
  • 77k
2 votes

Should Bip141 be a synonym of Segregated-Witness?

I've merged bip141 into segregated-witness.
Murch's user avatar
  • 77k
2 votes

What is the bch tag?

Yeah, that looks right. Retagging.
Nick ODell's user avatar
  • 29.5k
2 votes

Tag for "verifying software download during installation"

I like release-verification since it pretty succinctly wraps up the intention of the tag. My only (slight) concern is that it may not be obvious to users asking how to hash a binary that this is the ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
  • 1,558
1 vote

New tag for questions concerning mining reward structure

I think the new tag you propose might have a bit of an overlap with mining-reward and blockspace-market especially, but I agree that it is an interesting sub-topic that we could group. I like security-...
Murch's user avatar
  • 77k
1 vote

There appears to be multiple projects that contain bitcoinlib in their name

It seems to me that Peter Todd's python-bitcoinlib should be tagged as python-bitcoinlib, while bitcoinlib should be tagged as bitcoinlib. Unfortunately it appears there is a .NET library under the ...
meshcollider's user avatar
  • 11.9k
1 vote

What's the difference in scope between the tags [opcodes] and [script]?

Sure, if that's your preference @Murch. I don't feel strongly about it. Perhaps there is an argument that the opcodes tag could be for questions about specific opcodes and the script tag could be for ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
1 vote

Should mastercoin be renamed to omni or omnilayer?

Thanks! I've merged mastercoin into omni kept mastercoin as a synonym for omni, added omnilayer as a synonym for omni, and added a brief description to the tag: Omni is a second layer ...
Murch's user avatar
  • 77k
1 vote

Should mastercoin be renamed to omni or omnilayer?

Makes sense to me. I'm assuming that merging them will result in old mastercoin tags simply being replaced by omni tags? Would searching for mastercoin on the site redirect users to the omni tag, ...
chytrik's user avatar
  • 18.3k
1 vote

Should we burninate the tag [alternatives]?

Yay from me, having both altcoin and alternatives is definitely confusing, and I'll certainly commit to doing a portion of the work. Unclear what the deciding factor in making a new tag for a ...
meshcollider's user avatar
  • 11.9k
1 vote

A tag for questions where coins are sent to a different cryptocurrency by mistake?

Are there really a lot of different questions that would use this tag? Or just the ones which get closed as duplicates of the few original questions? For example, I've seen a lot of BTC <-> BCH ...
meshcollider's user avatar
  • 11.9k
1 vote

What should the [hd-wallet] tag mean?

I've merged hd-wallet into bip-32-hd-wallets today, but then found this post. Sounds like I might have made a mistake. Will investigate further. Update: according to a conversation with Pieter, ...
Murch's user avatar
  • 77k
1 vote

The transaction tag is too unspecific. Should we split it up?

transaction-malleability A property of Bitcoin transactions that allows them to be replicated with another transaction id before they are included in a block.
Murch's user avatar
  • 77k
1 vote

The transaction tag is too unspecific. Should we split it up?

coinbase-transaction The "coinbase transaction" is the transaction inside a block that pays the miner his block reward. Use this tag when asking questions referring only to the coinbase transaction.
Murch's user avatar
  • 77k

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