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Why are questions asking for proofreading of long descriptions of a concept not well received?

Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a Q&A platform. We are aiming to collect information on as many different topics as possible. However, not every explanation works best for every user, and not every ...
Murch's user avatar
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Monthly Topic Challenge – Propose and vote for topics here!

zcash is launching on Oct-28, so I'm totally supporting the weekly challenge for Zcash for next week.
q9f's user avatar
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Monthly Topic Challenge – Propose and vote for topics here!

Segregated Witness will deliver the last prerequisite for beta versions of lightning-network to go live on the mainnet. Perhaps now would be a good time to ask and learn more about it.
Murch's user avatar
  • 77.9k
2 votes

Is it "frowned upon" to ask a lot of questions and not answer other people's questions?

Not at all. Not everyone knows enough to be able to answer other people's questions so its perfectly fine to not answer any questions. Of course if you can answer questions, then that's great, but if ...
Ava Chow's user avatar
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1 vote

Monthly Topic Challenge – Propose and vote for topics here!

I'd be happy to try to answer lightning-development-kit questions as they arise.
arik's user avatar
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Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible