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3 votes

I flagged an answer as a comment and the generated flagging-comment was transferred in error to another answer?

There's no real bug here; this is a minor slip-up by the ♦ moderator; when they convert an answer into a comment, they have the option to migrate the comments as well. You can save them a bit of work ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
2 votes

Is javascript syntax highlighting working?

Syntax highlighting is only active when the code block is marked with the specific language. To that end, enclose your code block in three backticks followed by the language and three closing ...
Murch's user avatar
  • 77.9k
1 vote

Odd behavior with @ sign

Yes, if only the post author and you have been commenting on a post thus far, mentions of the author at the beginning of your comment will be removed: via
Murch's user avatar
  • 77.9k
1 vote

New site logo doesn't appear on Sites overview

The new logo is visible on the site overview now.
Murch's user avatar
  • 77.9k
1 vote

Semi-broken link in tour page

Thank you, I've removed the link to the Augur page.
Murch's user avatar
  • 77.9k

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