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15 votes

What should this site's name be when we get our new design?

I understand that Bitcoin.SE has traditionally been inclusive of other cryptocurrencies, particularly those based off of the Bitcoin Core codebase such as Litecoin. I've always accepted that was the ...
David A. Harding's user avatar
9 votes

Site design and logo — Draft

I agree with not altering the logo too much as it could be mistaken for an altcoin. Background looks good. Sticking with the original #F7931A orange and 14 degree tilt inside a speech bubble is my ...
bosch-0's user avatar
  • 41
8 votes

Custom Bitcoin design and logo - Information gathering

Thanks for reaching out, I'm very excited. I figured I'd just drop a few thoughts from the top of my head to help you get started. Bitcoin is the native currency of the internet. This community helps ...
Murch's user avatar
  • 77.9k
6 votes

What should this site's name be when we get our new design?

I think the distinction is often fuzzy, depending on how concrete the question is. A question of the form "How do I use software package X to create a multisig address for currency Y" is very ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
6 votes

What should this site's name be when we get our new design?

Vote for this answer if you think the Bitcoin Stack Exchange site should keep the existing scope that encourages questions about alternative cryptocurrencies (except those which are more appropriately ...
Highly Irregular's user avatar
5 votes

Site design and logo — Draft

Thanks for taking the time to build a custom branding for the Bitcoin Stack Exchange! Here are some thoughts on logo and background. Logo I would suggest using the Bitcoin logo in its proper form, ...
Stephen DeLorme's user avatar
4 votes

Your new site design is live!

The new style is fairly sweet at first sight!! I've just seen it and felt I owed you this after harsh critiques a few months ago. Keep up the good work!
Mercedes's user avatar
  • 872
4 votes

Site design and logo — Draft

I'd like to echo Murch's concerns about the logo stylization in this draft. As a site devoted to technical Q/A help, I feel that we should stick to the well-adopted open-source standards, rather than ...
chytrik's user avatar
  • 18.4k
4 votes

Site design and logo — Draft

I don't have much of an eye for design myself, but when I had a look at this draft, I had a few concerns. The Bitcoin Logo is usually slanted 14° clockwise. There is a forkcoin of Bitcoin, essentially ...
Murch's user avatar
  • 77.9k
4 votes

What should this site's name be when we get our new design?

I think that we should just keep the name Bitcoin and restrict the scope to be just Bitcoin. Regarding hard forked altcoins such as Bitcoin Cash and Segwit2x, I think that we should allow questions ...
Ava Chow's user avatar
  • 72.2k
4 votes

What should this site's name be when we get our new design?

I agree with both David's and Jestin's opinions. It is hard though to decide what should happen with all the other cryptocurrency content. On one hand, having a narrow focus can lead to better ...
sr_gi's user avatar
  • 3,260
1 vote

New site logo doesn't appear on Sites overview

The new logo is visible on the site overview now.
Murch's user avatar
  • 77.9k
1 vote

What should this site's name be when we get our new design?

I propose the name "Bitcoin & Other Cryptocurrencies". It sounds a mouthful but I'm sure the designer could make it look nice, just like with "Personal Finance & Money".
Nick Moore's user avatar

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